Reading Notes: Danah Boyd

Danah Boyd's key points:

General Notes

・ Transferability of trust; or notion that trust accrues to a network. Boyd notes that context must be considered in addition to the strength of ties within a network. For example, that the reason two people connected by a mutual friend (the strength of weak ties) aren't necessarily dating material is that context is required to improve the quality of connections. I don't think it's that context is missing; I think it's simply that Network Relations isn't the best way to solve the dating problem.

From Revenge of the User

Anthony Giddens separates self presentation and presence negotiation. What Danah describes as context, what Giddens, Goffman and others might call "frame," is a problem for us online for several reasons:

"Autistic Social Software ."
  • Autism and ADD as metaphorsノ
  • What's seductive is the modeling
  • Socially inept computers
  • We don't put the social into computers, or computing. What we need to look at are practices in which we use computers, in which we use communication technologies, in which we network, date, etc, etc. Then, we examine the way in which interactions unfold in practices.
"Profiles as Conversation: Networked Identity Performance on Friendster."
  • "performance of social identity" "communicative body," "represented bodies"
  • I think the distinction should be: presentation and interaction. I think the term "performance" is possibly misleading in a non face to face context
  • I'm the same with "body,"which seems prettyoutofplay.Image or picture of body, style perhaps, or body image/type as it's captured perhaps in a dating profile..
  • "how are unknown audiences negotiated?"

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