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Reading Notes: IT Complexity

Summary: Communication research on the impact of the internet and communication technology on interpersonal communication and society. These sociological perspectives use human factors and communication theory to suggest design approaches to communication technology beyond computer mediated interaction and HCI design.

These reading notes were taken while researching source material and conceptual frameworks of potential use to social interaction design, an approach I'm developing for use in the development and design of social software, interaction tools, communication technologies and their applications.

Related discussions of sociology, social interaction design, and communication technologies are at my social software and technology blog.

Download or view Reading Notes: IT and Complexity PDF, 4 pages.

This short set of notes on the complexity of information, and the state of IT, looks at systems and the tendency of systems to foreclose opportunities and regulate contingency. It's an approach that might be of interest to those invested in the problem-solving promises of technology. Read: pataphysics!

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