Social Interaction Design

Overview of SxD
SxD as design
SxD in Theory

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Secondary Elements of Social Interaction Design
Understand that the user returns as much to see if anyone's looking as to traffic your property
Users Own It

To users, social media are a daily part of life, a way of getting through to friends and a way of getting things done. Users may have no more interest in the social media platform than in the company behind it. They're interested in their own presence on the system, and in that of others.

Windows and Views

Social media sites show users themselves and each other. Because of basic screen real estate constraints, and because social media are constantly changing and reincorporating those changes back into themselves, information about users and audiences needs to be packaged and delivered in digestible quantities.

Reflections and Mirrors

Users get into their own presence on a social media site, even if they're not regular profile tweakers and maintainers. If these systems didn't show users back to themselves, in the form used to show others, users would quickly lose interest. There's something in the basic exteriorization (publishing) of a user's participation and activiity that can create a persona and representation — something we refer to increasingly to restore continuity to a disparate and disconnected routines.

System Feedback
Status updates
Token gestures
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