About Social Interaction Design Writings SxD Blog
I maintain three blogs on an infrequent and irregular basis. My primary blog is a sort of running commentary on social media and web 2.0. I try to cover sites, social practices, and ideas related to social interaction design. I occassionally try out concepts or thoughts as I'm working out design theory or practice. My film blog is my second-most active, and I use it for film analysis — a thoroughly enjoyable pastime. I post most infrequently to a blog on current affairs, using it for occasional rants and cultural commentary.
A table of contents for these blogs is below.
A blog on social software and social media, online community, and social interaction design issues relevant to companies in web 2.0. Posts tend to be theoretical and dense. I cover research and articles on social media, social software blogs and bloggers, steering clear of business analysis. I introduce my white papers here also. In drawing up a framework for SxD I draw from sociology, linguistics, anthropology, ethnography, information sciences, human factors and HCI, interaction design and psychology (interpersonal and group).
- Principles of Social Interaction Design?
- Designing Social for the Enterprise
- Social design of the collaborative economy
- Mirror, surface, window—three modes of the social screen
- Gravity7 to Enterprise UX and social in the workaday world
- The conundrum of corporate social media use
- Enterprise systems of engagement—social designers needed
- Apple, the rise and fall of "aura," and the social brand image
- Big UX, small UX
- Instagram profiles: the social image
- The system that breaks is not the system that repairs
- Beyond the Social Object
- The medium and its messengers: story-telling and social media
- Marketers may talk value, but user experience should not
- Zen, and the art of game mechanics
- All experience is organized
- Anchoring UX in Agile by means of stories
- Gamifying work. Seriously?
- Principles of Social Interaction Design (pdf)
- Big data, social data: which matters more?
- Lean UX and lean startups: is trial and error the best way forward?
- The secret sauce of social
- When should you think about social interaction design?
- Check out the new check in
- Tracking and trackers: user experience that counts
- Social media and marketing doublespeak
- A few thoughts on social media user types
- Zero Moment of Truth, or Zero Moment of Insight?
- Instagram: the object of sharing & the shared object
- Live video chats—if next new thing, what social design issues?
- Enterprise social: it's still about the people
- Games People Play: Transaction Satisfaction
- Games People Play, and Social Games Online
- Social tools, technologies of time
- Actions and activities on social tools are grounded in discourse
- Social objects? Social facts.
- Facebook and the co-creative Self: a new chapter
- Go Gowalla
- Talk, old school style
- Designing social tools around user interests
- Structuration theory and social interaction design
- Listening and learning w social media is beyond brand control
- End of daily deals, or are social deals still ahead?
- Death of the checkin 1.0
- Social media 1.0 coming to an end?
- On designing time for talk, and real time feeds
- SXSW: Social Interaction Design Concepts and Insights
- Can social games get real?
- Attention economics, social media, and effective marketing
- Meta Sociality, or the influence of Klout
- twitter: a sketch for filtering signal from noise
- What I see us asking (on Quora)
- Google+ Topical circles?
- Sharepocalypse, and why social sharing is noisy
- The brands don’t get it
- Google+ Circles: a new design for talk?
- Checking in: brands and social games
- The cynicism of gamification
- Google+, minus growing pains
- Social games: not just competition
- Social interaction models: Facebook, twitter, turntable, EmpireAve, & Google+
- Google+: Of Circles and Followers
- The burden of sharing
- Google+ Circles: Groups, Filters, and Stream Bubbles
- Google+ circles, hard and soft
- Challenges of local social commerce
- Learning about social media from Empire Avenue
- Thoughts on the psychic culture of social objects
- Social games, social actions, and gift economics
- turntable.fm, and the art of listening
- Surplus in the marketplace of communication
- The tweeting Other. Or, see what I'm saying?
- LinkedinZynga IPO implications
- Work in the age of communication
- Harold Garfinkel and social facts. Sociology for design.
- Brands can learn on Empire Avenue
- Empire Avenue and habit-forming social games
- Ambient intimacy, ambient engagement
- Of small and large form social games and gamification
- Theoretical underpinnings of social interaction design
- Whither whrrl (and other social commerce plays)?
- Color — where social value is elsewhere, in time?
- Social logics of mobile social apps
- Designing for dates: when contact needs a helping hand
- Connections: A reflection the development of social tools
- Designing social tools: core user types
- Beyond Usage Lifecycle in designing for social
- A look at the innovation of social tools
- How to write commercial tweets and posts
- Selling the invisible: the art of the expert
- On the importance of social interaction design for social startups
- Attention: This Revolution will NOT be Televised
- I just killed a social game mechanic
- Are social media valuable to society?
- Social media personas 2.0: The Inviter
- The Like as interest and social gesture
- Hey startup, what’s your social interaction model?
- What to measure? Followers or influence? Or neither?
- Beyond user behavior: designing social
- Andrew Keen on TV on Schmidt on privacy online
- Notes on game mechanics in enterprise and social business tools
- Notes on a relational theory of social interaction design
- The strange culture of social technology, and its makers
- Social commerce
- Breaking with the summer break
- The Reality of Social Media
- What comes after likeretweetcheckindiggbookmarkshare?
- Social context, Facebook Likes, activity and action streams
- What’s there to like? Facebook Likes and social object relations
- SxD: Social Objects
- Twitter promotional tweet strategies
- Is Clay Shirky on complexity too simplistic?
- Rethinking thin: social relationships in social media
- Geosocial filter failure
- Eleven tips on how to apply social interaction design thinking
- Social dynamics and agile social design
- From followers and game mechanics to more valuable social functionality
- When social search gets personal: ChatRoulette, Peerpong, Aardvark
- 50M per day, or pushing the envelope at 600 tweets per second
- ChatRoulette, I'm watching you (watching me)
- ChatRoulette, hall of mirrors
- The state of realtime culture, and the future inter-subjective web
- Action streams: a blue sky proposal
- There's Gold in that Heather: my Tummelvision video, and gratitudes
- Social and conversational implications of cross-referenced activity streams
- Google's Aardvark acquisition: Questions for Buzz?
- Google Buzz v twitter: more on micro-commentary
- May I have your buzz, please?
- If twitter is micro-blogging, is Buzz micro-commentary?
- Breaking down the Gbuzz
- On social interaction design and the detective
- The socially-mediated NYTimes: What would interest the reader?
- SXD: The construction of objective relations and operations
- News and speed: are we better informed?
- Algorithmic authority: critical reflections
- On the private/public distinction, publicy, and sociality
- Brief thoughts on discourse networks
- SxD: Primary and Secondary Frames
- Social media in the enterprise: formal v informal sociality
- Broken social (online) scenes
- Life offline, and why I do it
- Lunch for good, food for thought
- Social search and advertising: Google's endgame?
Realtime streams: now and then
Brands, and putting twitter word of mouth in context
Social media, converging streams?
Social Interaction Design: Ratings
Twitter, Google Wave, and Online Talk
Foursquare vs Yelp: Recommendations and Reviews
Socially-mediated branding: Revangelism?
Socially-mediated branding: identify yourself
The sociability spec: documenting social interactiion requirements
Social Interaction Design: Leaderboard
Social media: the attention economy explained
Activity Streams: Realtime and Streamtime
Sociability: Usability for Social Media
Social Interaction Design: Structure
Activity Streams: Content and Flow
Social Interaction Design simplified
Social Interaction Design Client Forensic Brief
Structured Tweeting?
Social Interaction Design: Beyond Use
SXSW: Please vote! Social Interaction Design Concepts
Newspaper culture, authority, social media, and relevance
Dave Winer's little tweet reader: some thoughts
Transparency: truth in social media
Enterprise and Social Media: Ambient Knowledge, Hidden Knowledge
Social media metaphors: what do we mean to say?
Researching social media usage: right research, wrong conclusions?
The designer's influence: social media and the user experience
A conversation with Thomas Vander Wal
SIM Scoring: Social Media Influence Metrics are an Art
No Twitter in Meme-tracking and News Cycle Research
Reflections on the Techcrunch Realtime Crunchup
Answer services: satisfying two user experiences
Digesting public Facebook feeds: implications for brands
The power of listening: a brief personal meditation
Twitter: the Self-ish Meme?
"You're OK. How am I?" Reading through twitter.
Re-framing the problem: SxD
If you think twitter is weird, you're not alone
Twitter etiquette: reading between the lines
Behavior: hard-wired or soft-aware?
Reading tweets: it's complicated....
Users: which is which, and who is who?
Tweeting with authenticity: genuine or strategic?
Repentance of a Spymaster: Lessons learned
Confessions of a Spymaster
Back on the blog horse
Slideshow presented at SNCR NewComm Forum 09
The Inmates Have Requested Asylum
Social capital on twitter: analytics of flow
Social media personalities and Personas 2.0
Opportunities for interaction around Twitter
Influence on Twitter
The friendly face of twitter, and the enthusiastic bias
Adhocnium call in blogtalk radio show thursday
Twitter applications and extensions: a list
Twitalyzer, for dwunk tweeting
Improbability of Communication in Social Media
Southby drive-by... #SXSW tweets for those #notatSXSW
Social media's third law: designing for communication
Twitter's Endgame: Search is Chat?
The Gift, and the Spirit of the Word
I Want Candy. Skittles embraces Twitter embraces Skittles
Who's motivating your users?
Contingencies in Social Media
Tell me, please
Transient conversation networks on twitter
Attention and inattention on Twitter
Small talk in Tinychat: from twitter to chat
Social media's second law: it's a verb, not a noun
Short post on unstructured vs structured social media
A short post on discovery vs creation, relating to social media
Social media's first law: user centric design
Paradoxes of social media: Twitter, Facebook, and status culture
Status culture: facebook, twitter, and what they mean
Social Interaction Design Primer II
Social Media Personality Types: Slideshow
Social Media PR Playbook: Thoughts
TheHornGroup panel on PR and social media: an email
The Topsy-Turvy World of Social Media
SNCR and AdCouncil collaboration
Reflections on Social Media's Next Phase
Sea Change
Social media monitoring and packaged care: Pick UPS, Push UPS
Post Writing: Social Self, Private Self, Post(ing) Self
Cisco Disco Very Video: Cisco Uses Vlogs.
What Goes Up One Way Comes Down Another
All the Commentary That's Fit to Print
Utilizing Social Media for Marketing: Tips
Inspiration from Elsewhere: Social Media and Film Theory
A Social Interaction Design Primer
Darwin days are here again, or, the Led balloon
The Now Web: Not Now, or Not Yet?
Dipping into Dipity -- scaleable timelines
Social media and the job of PR
Startup your Social: Enhance Your Social Utility
News and Feeds: Power Curve to the Long Tail?
Succumbing to Immediacy
OF Lifestreaming and Feeds: Who's Talking?
Swurl: lifestreaming and timelining
OF Lifestreaming and Feeds: Who's Talking?
Swurl: lifestreaming and timelining
Lifestreaming apps and designing time and flow
Future of social web: system and practices
Social media: Social Approximity?
Let's talk about social media marketing
Aggregators and Sources: People or Content?
It's all words, but some words are more equal than others
Radian6 screenshots of twitter influencer topical clouds
Social Analytics and Understanding the User
The Not Being here of Twitter, and No Being here of Friendfeed
Sentimetrix... Sentimentrix... Sentimistaken?
Kraft cheesy singles -- using social apps for branding
Influencers, Promoters, Inviters and other social media types
Climate change and web 2.0
Mining social media
Of Military and Men, or Influencers in the mass and social media
Psychological profiling and forensic analysis -- in social media?
The three-fold view of the social media user experience
Hashing through twitter hashtags -- and structured conversation
Reputation, Conversational Index, Twitter, and Tweeterboard
Twitter for social marketing? Tweetvolume, Summize, and the Holy Grail
[Resist] [Submit} ... advertising in facebook dialog boxes?
Of crowds, power, grass, social theory and social media
Groundswell Social Technographics quiz, or Some of the Above
New slideshow on social media user competencies
Directions for research, theory, and a general update
Senior Fellow at SNCR this year!
The degree zero of user intentionality on social media
Scoble banished for botting Facebook
New slideshows on social media and social interaction design
What is Social Interaction Design slides
Social technology's transparency among teens
Twitter vs Facebook status feeds
Change.org: a social change site review
Social Media: It's all Talk
Getting into social video
I can see (myself) for miles and miles and....
New SxD White Paper: The Social Engine that Drives...
The User of Social Media: A Second Self?
The User Experience of Review Writing
Understanding the Yelp factor and social reviews
The Opacity of Users in Transparent Technologies
Here's talking at you, kid... It's all talk on social media
Towards a reckless rethinking of Social Media
New Social Software Design White Paper
Reading Notes: Anthony Giddens and Niklas Luhmann on Mass Media
Eric Berne's Games People Play and social media
The deep paradox of the link
What if mass media went away?
Webocracy, Mass media, mini media, MySpace, YouTube
YouTube: videos are signs, watching is social
Pay Attention to YouTube!
Marshall McLuhan on YouTube
War is Peace: On Truth, YouTube, Snipers, and Death
What does tech do? To find out, turn it off
You looking at me? Invisibility at Facebook
Marcamp/France Telecom/Orange trip report
Alfred Schutz, F2F, Social Software, and Streams of Consciousness
Folksonomic Value Proposition part 2 Revised
P2P's Concept of the Social
People are Estranged
Of You, Me, Mini-Me, Mass Media, and ... Mini Media
Philosophical interlude: towards a smooth network of links
My God I'm Pod
Folksonomic Value Proposition part 2 orig
From user to practice-centric design
Is attention over time not identity?
I see you seeing me. Youtube.com, iTube.com, Wealltube.com
Podcasts and Podcasting on my mind
Barcamp San Francisco
The Link: it confounds analysis
Connecting dots: Power Law, Long Tail, Mimetic desire
Clay Shirky, Christopher Alexander, Harold Garfinkel, Pattern Languages
The Video in the Age of its Social Reproduction: The Message is the Medium
Content and its discontents
OnHollywood, Live, Opening Night
What's GoingOn? We're GoingOn! You're GoingOn!
Tags, Tagging, and Folksonomies as social system
MySpace courts the friendship of advertisers
Simpsons, Social Network Analysis, and Visible Path
Hannah Arendt, Jurgen Habermas, public spheres and social software
GM's user-generated content: Chevy Tahoe Ads
Social Interaction Design: Social Software papers
Socially structured content
Cognitive maps and tags: an full scale map of language?
Fragmentation of online conversation
Social operations made virtual organization of social fields
Human Factors and Affective Affordances
Skype's role as a presencing system
Skype, conference chats, and transactional analysis
MySpace case study on Gravity7
Blog to mail, or blogmail
Text messaging and the ritual of the gesture
Tag collections, aggregation, and mainstreaming
43Users and why are the numbers so different?
Flagging and Tagging: when social software goes anti-social
Baby Face, or Facetime 2.0
EmPhatic gadgets
Careful with that interface, Eugene
A Mutual Friend : Mobile phones and art by Blast Theory (UK)
Social interactions scale uniquely
Civilization and its mis/mal/dis/contents
Social Software: Sociable, Social, Societal, or which is it?
From User Practices to Social Practices
A Case for Social Interaction Design
Communication technologies force us to explicate the implicit
Blogger in the Bathroom, or Blogging as Graffiti
Blogging as public and private
Speech Act theory applied to Social Software and other talk technnologies
Social Networks: Color by numbers or connect the dots?
Time's Arrow: A case for affective temporality?
Interaction design and subject-object relations
MIT's Reality Mining project hopes to add data fro...
"It is the framework which changes with each new t...
In the case of prisons, abuse, Iraq, and reality T...
"Thus, as Adam Smith argued in his Theory of the M...
one of today's email exchanges One reason I thi...
This from today's NYT: Game companies are not ...
I had this thought the other day. I don't know if ...
Sampling It's been said that a characteristic iro...
Record There's more than just a hint of irony in ...
this response from Daniel to the list of media que...
I'm posting the list of questions that have guided...
Is the phone on the seatback in an airplane a mobi...
I found a 12 point list about online community tha...
In transactional analytic terms, the stroke is the...
Viral marketing attempts to leverage our natural t...
Alan Cooper writes the following in his company's ...
The writer Marshall McLuhan, in comparing "city ma...
The net's ability to conduct the flow of seduction...
Adrian Chan, amateur film critic and follower of film theory, on films and movies, from small independent and foreign films to blockbusters... I'm a fan of Eastern European films, Asian cinema, Spanish, Scandinavian, British, French, and lately, Brazilian film. Favorite film directors include Andrei Tarkovsky, Bela Tarr, Werner Herzog, Wong Kar Wai, Paul Thomas Anderson, Stanley Kubrick, Orson Welles, Krystof Kieslowski, Fellini, Peter Greenaway...
The Navigators by Ken Loach
Three Times by Hsiao-hsien Hou
Join me in a blogathon for week of Valentine's day...
What is contemplative cinema?
Gilles Deleuze and Contemplative Cinema
Thoughts on TV crime drama: Cracker, Prime Suspect...
The Falling Rain in Bela Tarr and Andrei Tarkovsky...
Six Feet, and a Foot, Under
Contemplating Babel in many tongues and voices
Bela Tarr's Sound Images: Cinema of Proximity
Clean, Shaven by Lodge Kerrigan: The Sound and the...
Anatomy of a Scene: Helen Mirren in Prime Suspect
L.I.E. down
Trusted Opinion film review/commenting site
So long mr altman
Bambi meets Godzilla
Eddie Izzard channels Darth Vader in the Death Star Canteen
The Dardenne brothers do it again: L'Enfant
Michael Haneke hides the viewer and criminal in a (Hidden) Cache
Scanner Darkly
Werckmeister Harmonies: resonances within
Grizzly Death and Herzog
You can't have your pudding if you don't have your squid and the whale!
Bela Tarr's Werckmeister Harmonies: Can human bodies take up heavenly relations?
The Third Man and the Logical Third
Carlos Reygadas' Japon: immanent cinema?
Crash into me: a sign of the times
Best of Youth
Cafe Lumiere, and trains passing in daylight
Mike Leigh's Naked Cinema Verite
Bubble in a bubble, and how bubbles stick together till they burst
Grizzly Director: Werner Herzog eats his subject
Wong Kar Wai in 2046, or is it 1966?
Paul Thomas Anderson, artist of the visual tone metaphor
Capote, an analysis I'd like to write when I find time
Today is the Day After Tomorrow
Merchant of Venice — of chains and triangles
Merchant of Venice: the double bind
Three Colors Red: Subspense in Kieslowski
Veracity in Vera Drake
Bela Tarr... when will they release you?! Tarr's...
Koktebel Boris Khlebnikov and Alexei Popogrebsky ...
Hukkle, and action in sound
Cyclo by Tran Anh Hung
Ichi the Killer by Takashi Miike
Gozu, Takashi Miike
Whole by Melody Gilbert http://www.whole-documen...
To Be and To Have Nicolas Philibert This charm...
Watched M by Fritz Lang last night. Embarrassed to...
A list of my favorite rentables. Most of these are...
Notes on 21 Grams, by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu ...Watching Notorious the other night, with commentar...
Play Two ads for audio supplies: "Is it live or i...
I love watching The Matrix. Almost as much as I lo...
Cinemasound The American movie industry rediscove...
So many films to see, and so little time. Here are...
Attempts to find the deep and profound in things light and straight-forward. Social commentary, cutural criticism, and philosophical observations and musings intended to complexify, connect, and rightly, or wrongly, amuse.
Children of Paradise: Pynchon's Against the Day
Gilles Deleuze on film, in Against the Day by Thomas Pynchon
Did Thomas Pynchon write Against the Day by playing Solitaire?
I wager a key to Thomas Pynchon's "Against the Day"
24 Premieres in the Oblong Office...
Planes and Lines in Against the Day, by Thomas Pynchon
Thomas Pynchon Against the Day: the play of surfaces
Channeling Thomas Pynchon, Against the Day, Burning Man, and the Matrix
Chums of Chance, Lines of Flight, Thomas Pynchon
Webocracy, Mass media, mini media, MySpace, YouTube
Pay Attention to YouTube!
North Korea: Sticks and Stones may brreak...
Dr Strangelove, or How I Learned to Accept Kim Jong Il
My problem with the Law...Media circus finds no pictures allowed in Amish country
Rajeev Samant at Stanford
Difference and repetition
The Net Effects of Affective Capitalism
Bullet the cold sky
Gifts and Thefts: Married and Hitched?
Acts of War, Acts of Terror
Bush's open-mike, back-channel, gaffe diplomacy
Pamphlet for Social Change and revolution
Tings, dey fall apart. Commentary on war, talk, and globalization.Agonistic Giving, Yochai Benkler, Warren Buffet, and Heaven's Gate
Commentary on Podcast, Blogged Commentary
The unthinkable bang it's hard not to think about
Of rockets, the Fourth, Kim Jong Il, the Taepodong tumble and Beckham's arc
My Fantasy Football ending... a work in progress by Coen brothers
Portugal - Holland
On Watching the World Cup and Sports in General
Plasmatronic World Cup games shown in LD, Dobly
World cup madness has got me again
PBS/BBC Secrets of the Sexes... Matchmaking scientists
Political Networks against the State
Colbert report, memes, social media
OnHollywood demos... Switchr
Speaking at and of the Milken Institute
Scooter rides home, Libby Lewis on Lewis Libby
The arc light of conversation
The Unclear State of Iran
Adaptive systems, water, and cultivating rice in Bali
Culture clash and cartoons
Let's face it, transplant or no....
Dialing Under the Influence — DUI and I*69
Transplant: Saving Face, Cheshire grins, and other pained expressions
Mimetic desire and social networks, and what binds us
Render unto me my sovereignty
Remote viewing and rescued by the webcam. Presence and absence and remote relations.
Not Fade Away? Of news and its decay
An angry mob is an angry mob
Where there's smoke there's fire...
'It won't end until two police are dead'
All the news that's fit to link
Alaskan lands: maps, oil, guardians and materialists
Great Plains 111... A logic unsustainable...
Place your best!
Caught in a Web of Seduction
Projection: The Screen, The Other, What We See and What's Behind
In Alaska, the Map Precedes the Territory After All, After Oil
Flash Kitsch and the Culture of Email
A White Sox Win breaks the rules of the game
Baseball, and the anxiety of the fan before the pitch
Oui vs Non on the European Constitution
amazon apparently revealed names of anonymous revi...
i was thinking last night about Niklas Luhmann's
"Toca toca toca... Goooooooal!" "Gee Bob I think you...
Thus, as Adam Smith argued in his Theory of the M...
The other night at a meet and greet of writers, ov...
Last night watching the world cup match between En...
What does a brand brand? A product, a service? Or ...
Flipping through photos Have you ever noticed as...
This is a test, nothing more, nothing less.
The Shoreline Amphitheater billoboard by the freew...