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SxD in Theory
Social theories know people, individually and collectively, in their internal dialogues and on the terms of their interior and psychological interests, but at the level of social organization and communicative practices, too. Practicing social media design is a matter of embracing soical theoretical insights and extending them to the applied media theory. Architects work with mass and volume, load-bearing columns and walls, light, the flow of people, and so on. Social media designers work with profiles, how they look, and how they make their owners look. They work with psychological interests and individual pastimes as well as the social conventions that inform how these are communicated. They recognize the modern forms of economy, product marketing and branding, customer reviews and ratings, and understand how to adapt the world of media to the individual use practices of social media users. Theory helps us find what's true, practice tells us what is right.
Main concepts
In the world of social media, the link is no longer an objective relation but is a subjective association
Users of social media have:
the ability to become self-involved online, and to relate through social media to others (mediated presence)
expectations of future interaction (commitment)
a sense of self and a (self) perception of how they look to others (validation)
an intention to sharing their professional and/or personal interests (social motivation)
relationships they maintain online (social networks)
trust and confidence in the system (competence)
The top ten list is more than a list: it's a common cultural presentation of values and social interests Forms
Social media borrow from common cultural forms
Fashion, news, politics, entertainment, etc.
These forms arrange and organize information, events, and participation
Which organize how we talk about and show: success, celebrity, popularity, news, trends, relevance, etc.
Each social media system is unique in its forms of talk and formats of representation
The mediation
Technical media transform talk in significant ways
Modern technologies permit us to transcend physical presence and stretch relationships across time and space
Social encounters, as communication in (inter)action is disembedded from place and time
Communication is not an immediate and direct handling of statements and relationship
But is mediated and indirect transposition through a means of production and distribution
Online social interaction is a mediated, compressed, and asynchronous experience
The communicative
The medium screens out affective and communicative face to face cues
Its mediation of communication decouples the utterance from the act of uttering
Communication is captured and re-presented using text, images, video, audio
Interaction is decoupled from its performance
Interaction is captured and re-mediated asynchronously
The sociological
Our understanding of user behavior and social practices benefits from the insights of psychology, communication, and social theories
Online social interactions are a new kind of talk
The social is a figment and an effect of individual user contributions
It is observed, tracked, and re-presented through usage and data
The togetherness of social media is simultaneous and co-present but always interrupted, stretched, disassociated
Social forces and power are transformed by mediation
The psychological
Psychological views of identity, the Self, interpersonal relationships, and the organization of social encounters provide key insights
Psychology offers insights into how users relate to others, be they familiar or unfamiliar
Is valuable to understanding the user's interest in private and public relationships and communication
Helps us to value the ways in which users fashion themselves through their online profiles and contributions
And how they might become engaged in perceptions, projections, anticipations, and expectations
In tomorrow's web, views will have customizable perspective and history The temporal
Social media organize time
Our experience of social time is episodic, eventful, and has duration
In communication, it may be deferred, interrupted, stretched, or cut off
We relate to this kind of time with anticipation and expectation
Social activity is temporal, has pacing and rhythm, speed and intensity
Any social technology structures time and is fast, slow, near, far, and so on
Social search
Will it be the next big thing? Search by relevant keyword, term, or phrase is simple and limited
Search by existing methods surfaces direct links and captures results that correspond directly to search criteria
Social search filters results by social criteria, which in theory can be relevant in ways that are valuable to social networks, communities, and audiences
Markets are made out of social relevance and flourish when relations can be drawn among affinities that are softer and fuzzier than the direct clear and present correlation of direct hits
Where search term search finds the same and similar, social search might find the better, the more interesting, the popular, and more
A key to the success of social search is good meta data and data structuring combined with social interaction, communication and participation in content search
Social search would use relationships, values, and social qualifiers that better sort and surface the stuff that matters to communities that care
Many web 2.0 applications already apply basic versions of social search
Community values are a form of social information: a culture's dialog with itself
Yahoo Answers intelligently takes advantage of questions as a means of structuring talk around community questions and their best answers
Voting, rating, favoriting and use of tokens belong to early applications of social search
More immediate and present forms of social search could emerge around chat and IM search services
By structuring interaction around content results, social media write themselves through communication
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Social media and semiotics
I've described social media as talk systems, but they can also be described with the help of semiotics
Semiotics is the study of sign systems, which differ from language in that they have no grammatical rules and are not linguistic: signs signify, languages can be made to speak
Social media employ sign systems for signifying, and signaling systems for indicating and signaling. Both are well known by interaction designers as means of signaling system or software states.
However, when used by social media users, and particularly when they emerge in new social practices, signs are sometimes embedded in different forms of talk and modes of speech
Social media will play heavily on these ambiguities — what does it mean to "poke" somebody, to be bitten, zombified, invited, or winked at?
I haven't counted, but possibly one in ten Facebook applications is a semiotic application: a signaling, signifying, token gesture sending and sharing social app
These are useful to social media because they are sticky. Stickiness is a function of curiosity, so the signs that signify, but not too clearly, are often the most effective. Embrace the dysfunctional!
Facework serves the purpose of handling the relational and emotional aspects of talk in everday real world interactions. It's absence from mediated talk (of which social media is a form) can lead us to sign, signal, hint, and cue others in even more so than usual. And still, the relational work achieved by mutually recognizing eyes and minds will leave behind its residue unresolved — and to be continued yet another day and login
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