Social Interaction Design

Overview of SxD
SxD as design
SxD in Theory

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What is Social Interaction Design?

Many of today's web designers have specialized in a particular web domain. These might include web 2.0 applications and design, css, ajax, javascript, dhtml and other interactive languages, animations and flash, and more. Added to these different kinds of web skills are other web development practices: Information Architecture (IA), User Experience (UX or UE), Interaction Design (IxD), Usability, Q/A, and more.

I call what I do "Social Interaction Design" (SxD). It's a niche specialization in the structuring and design of social media with an emphasis on social practices. Social media of course have UI, design elements, form pages, search, directories and navigation schemes, and many of the components that have long defined web design. Social interaction design is an approach to web 2.0 and social media that addresses the social interface: the interaction of web site with data/information where users provide the content, and interactions are social. Users engage with other users, whether they know them or not, and whether they really care about them or not.

All of these individual actions and contributions together produce the content, which is to say, produce the experience also, that defines and becomes the identity of a social media service. Failure to provide for compelling user experiences and visible, recognizable, and compelling social practices, will result in failure of the site.

What is SxD?
Any social media service organizes individual and social activity
Interactions = Social
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